Unlocking Portugal — Navigating immigration challenges

Webinar recap — Unlocking Portugal: Navigating immigration challenges. On October 25th, our Portuguese team successfully hosted a comprehensive webinar titled “Unlocking Portugal: Navigating Immigration Challenges.” We were thrilled to have our esteemed experts, Arthur Leomil and Carol Leomil, share their profound knowledge with the session moderated by our Sales Manager, Douglas Pinto.

We invite you to watch the recorded webinar

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The discussion encompassed a wide range of pivotal topics that many face when navigating the complexities of Portuguese immigration. Among the highlights were insights into the challenges foreign professionals often encounter while obtaining visas, securing residence permits and ensuring family reunifications. In addition, we dived deep into the current immigration landscape, shedding light on significant shifts like the dissolution of the SEF and the emergence of the new AIMA agency. This session also offered clarity on the diverse types of visas available for prospective immigrants to Portugal, coupled with invaluable advice and shared best practices for a seamless immigration plan.

We were honoured by the turnout, with most of our audience comprising human resource professionals and Global Mobility managers from Portugal and Brazil. Their roles are instrumental in managing expatriate relations daily, making their participation and engagement during the Q&A segment particularly enriching.

We remain committed to empowering our community with knowledge and look forward to assisting you in your immigration journey.

Need more insights or support?

Reach out directly to our expert.

Douglas Pinto
Sales Manager, Santa Fe Relocation Portugal.
Email: douglas.pinto@santaferelo.com
Tel: +351 937 436 923

We’re passionate about assisting you and ensuring you have all the required information. Your journey to understanding Portuguese immigration is important to us. Let’s navigate it together.

Portuguese translation:

No passado dia 25 de outubro, a Santa Fe Relocation promoveu um webinar sobre os desafios do processo de imigração para Portugal. O evento contou com a presença dos consultores Arthur Leomil e Carol Leomil e foi moderado por Douglas Pinto, sales manager da Santa Fe Relocation em Portugal.

Foram abordados diversos temas de grande relevância sobre as dificuldades sentidas pelos profissionais estrangeiros em obter o visto, título de residência e igualmente o reagrupamento familiar para os membros da família.

Foi analisado o atual contexto da imigração, nomeadamente a extinção do SEF e a criação da nova agência AIMA, para além de ter sido apresentado as tipologias de vistos disponíveis para Portugal e a troca de conhecimento e partilha de boas práticas para um planeamento imigratório de sucesso.

O evento, que foi aberto à todo o público, contou maioritariamente com profissionais de recursos humanos e gestores de mobilidade em Portugal e no Brasil e que lidam diariamente com a gestão dos expatriados.

Houve também oportunidade de os participantes esclarecerem as suas dúvidas diretamente com os profissionais e caso tenha interesse em ver a gravação do webinar, poderá solicitar através do seguinte e-mail: douglas.pinto@santaferelo.com

Para maiores informações:

Douglas Pinto
Sales Manager
Email: douglas.pinto@santaferelo.com
T: +351 937 436 923

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