Corporate Immigration — Indonesia Visa and Stay Permit service policy during the endemic transition period

The immigration authorities reinforce new policies regarding Visa and Stay Permit services during the COVID-19 endemic transition period. The Directorate General of Immigration issued Circular Letter No. IMI-0186.GR.01.01 of 2023 concerning Immigration Policy concerning Visa Services and Visit Stay Permits, Visas and Limited Stay Permits and Free Visit Visas during the transition period of the 2019 COVID-19 endemic.

Who are affected?

Foreigners in Indonesia & foreigners who will be travelling to Indonesia.


1. Visit Stay Permit extensions may be granted to holders of Visit Stay Permits originating from:

  • Single Entry Visit Visa
  • Multiple Entry Visit Visa
  • Visa on Arrival (VoA), including e-VoA


2. Change of immigration status of residence permit can be granted to holders of a Visit Stay Permit originating from Single Entry Visit Visa or Multiple Entry Visit Visa, through the mechanism of Transfer of Status of Stay Permit from Visit Stay Permit to Limited Stay Permit (ITAS).

  • The application can be submitted by a different guarantor, by attaching a statement of willingness (no objection) to the transfer of guarantee from the previous guarantor.
  • Prospective TKA who have obtained a work agreement from the company must apply for a Change of Status of Stay Permit.


3. Limited Stay Permit can be granted to holders of a Visit Stay Permit originating from Single Entry Visit Visa or Multiple Entry Visit Visa, through the mechanism of Transfer of Status of Stay Permit from Visit Stay Permit to Limited Stay Permit (ITAS).

4. Holders of travel documents other than national passports (Emergency Passport, Titre du Voyage, Certificate of Identity and other non-national passport travel documents), must have an e-visa before entering Indonesia (cannot be granted a Free Visit Visa, VoA or e-VoA).

5. Single Entry Visit Visa can be given at The Indonesian Embassies or Consulates abroad.

6. Visa on Arrival (VoA) & Electronic Visa on Arrival (e-VoA) subject to 93 countries below:

Santa Fe analysis

1. Onshore visa for foreigners residing in Indonesia is no longer available. The visa is only issued for foreigners outside Indonesia (offshore application).

2. The following documents are no longer required for new visa application:

  1. Proof of having received the full dose of COVID-19 vaccine.
  2. Statement letter of willingness to comply with health protocol in Indonesia.
  3. Proof of health insurance / travel insurance, and/or statement letter to pay independently in case infected with COVID-19 during stay in Indonesia.


3. Foreigner who will visit industrial areas such as site area or factory, must apply for single entry visit visa index 211B. Visa exemption, VoA, e-VoA, single entry visit visa index 211A & multiple entry visit visa cannot be used for industrial visit.

4. The single entry visit visa index 211B application should be submitted to the immigration authorities in Indonesia. This type of visa cannot be applied at the Indonesian embassies/consulates abroad.

Should you have any questions, please contact:

Immigration Services Manager
Santa Fe Relocation
D: +62 21 782 2428

Robert Day
Group Head of Immigration Operations
Santa Fe Relocation
London, UK
D: +44 7990 021125

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