Get To Know Abdou Seck

Welcome to Abdou Seck, Operations and Logistics Manager for Santa Fe France

Discover our new mini-series #GetToKnowOurPeople where Santa Fe employees worldwide talk freely about their life in and out of work. Santa Fe Relocation values its people, their fantastic diversity and the vast pool of knowledge they bring. We learn from each other every day, so we’re happy for you to get to know them too.

Watch Abdou’s full video interview below to get to know him!

Tell us about yourself?
My name is Papa Abdou , but ABDOU is really lighter to hear for me and my co-workers and I’m 39 years old . I joined Santa Fe in 2017 as Operations & Logistics Manager. Before that, I worked for sea transport companies, but my first and longest work experience was in the move industry. I’ve been connected with the move industry since when I was at university and worked as seasonal student mover from my 1st year to master degree for a period of 5 years.
This became a passion (working as a mover and traveling with our truck around many countries and everyday being in contact with different people).
Then I’ve decided to add Logistics studies and to be graduated for a better knowledge and expertise around the Transport industry.

Tell us about Santa Fe?
Santa Fe is a really nice company with interesting resources in term of talent diversity and services provided. People who know the relocation and moving industry recognise Santa Fe as a model. Santa Fe always adapts and ensures high and excellent customer satisfaction.

What do you do at work?
I’m Supply chain director for France, based in the Paris office and manage the planning and delivery of moves to customers and clients. My part in the chain is the management of crew movers , movers partnership , transport and storage.

Why did you choose Santa Fe?
I’m very passionate about the moving industry and Santa Fe represented the right choice, suitable for me.

Why did we choose you?
Simple: because I have something positive to exchange. I was the right person in the right place.

What is your greatest achievement at work?
There is no greatest achievement for me. Every achievement is important and great at it’s level.

What is your greatest achievement in life?
Being myself and happy to be who I wanted to be.

What or who inspires you in your life and at work?
In my life: Success (in a very large term). At work: Success (with our everyday challenges).

What is the best thing about working at Santa Fe?
Talent diversity and multicultural crossing, challenges for costumer services.

What is the best thing about our horse?
This reminds me of movements and respect. Personally, I believe that the horse inspires respect.

What is the best advice you can give to people?
To be true to yourself and do something you like in personal and professional life.

What would you do in the event of a zombie apocalypse?
I would be a zombie too , and adapt in the new community.

There are now 25 hours in a day, how would you spend the extra hour?
Staying with my family ( including my cat ), sport and cooking.

If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?
India because I’m passionate about the beauty of this country.

How did you find this interview?
An opportunity to talk about us beyond our work universe. This allows us to discover another face of people who are daily collaborating with us and might be on the other side of the world. Really, really nice as well. Look forward to getting to know all other colleagues.

Santa Fe sincerely thanks Abdou for contributing to this initiative and for sharing her story with us!

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