Immigration update: UK | Travel ban from South Africa

Travel ban from South Africa

In response to the new variant of COVID-19 in South Africa, there are restrictions on passengers arriving in the UK from South Africa. Direct flights from South Africa have been suspended. Visitors arriving into the UK who have been in or transited through South Africa in the previous 10 days will not be permitted entry.

British and Irish citizens, and third country nationals with residence rights in the UK will still be able to enter via indirect routes from South Africa. Passengers will be required to complete a passenger locator form and must self-isolate for ten days after your arrival, along with your household. If you only hold a visit visa for travel to the UK, you will not be able to enter if you have been in South Africa in the past 10 days.

Some third countries, including major transit destinations, have also cancelled flights to and from South Africa. Others have, or may, introduce additional testing requirements before you depart South Africa. If you have a ticket to or from South Africa, you should check with your airline before travelling.

Should you have any questions, please contact the following:

Koshi Blavo Barna
UK Head of Immigration
Santa Fe Relocation UK
Tel.: +44 0203 457 3595

To read more immigration updates, click here

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