Moving to outer space!
While artificial intelligence was a distant future only few years ago it has now become one of the most common topics of conversation. Robots replacing humans, automation at work, the future is here.
So what is the future now? And what is the future for the moving industry?
While professor Stephen Hawking said that humans need to colonise another planet within 100 years or face the threat of extinction, for most people, this probably wasn’t considered to be within our lifetime. However, entrepreneur Elon Musk, is already working on the development of rockets able to reach Mars by 2026, meaning living in “space” may not be as far away as we once thought—it’s quickly becoming a reality.
Have you ever considered what it would be like to live on Mars? What about the moon? With several different planets in our solar system, including some that remain undiscovered, and technological revolutions bringing galactic travel within reaching distance, here at Santa Fe Relocation we’re taking a closer look at whether the possibility of relocating to outer space and living amongst the stars is within our grasp.
Moving to a new planet
The possibility of living on a new planet is one filled with excitement, but it will not be without its challenges and getting there will be the first to face. In order to reach a planet, whether it’s habitable or not, a spaceship able to withstand the most extreme conditions would be required. The vessel would need to be able to endure pressures and temperatures far beyond what we face within Earth’s orbit, as well as withstanding contact with debris in the atmosphere and potentially high levels of radiation, while still protecting the intrepid explorers inside.
Moving to Mars
After planet Earth, Mars is the most habitable planet in our solar system. Not only does its soil contain enough water to extract, but the planet itself isn’t too hot or too cold, and with enough sunlight to power solar panels, life of Mars could become a reality sooner than expected. While we are unable to confirm whether life on Mars is possible at this moment of time, according to the Mirror, within two decades the answer could be a definite yes.With scientists hoping to send real people and not just astronauts to the red planet, who knows what outer space opportunities could arise in the near future?
The downside? It currently takes a couple of months to travel to Mars, compared to the mere four days it takes for current technology to fly to the moon. In 2012, Nasa’s Curiosity Rover took just over eight months to reach the planet; imagine having a moving day that lasts eight months! In addition to this, the gravity on Mars is much lower than it is on Earth, which could also pose a series of issues in the future should we decide to make a move to this planet, particularly as our bodies (including our skeletons) are shaped by gravity.
Moving to Jupiter
Life on Jupiter isn’t quite as straightforward however, each planet has its own unique set of challenges and Jupiter is no exception. Being mainly composed of hydrogen and helium gas Jupiter is, in simpler terms, a gas giant, making it near impossible to survive there. This also means that it probably doesn’t have a solid surface – not to mention that the combination of gases it is made up of would be highly toxic for us to inhale! The planet itself is also very far from the sun, with sunlight taking more than an hour to reach the surface. Due to this, Jupiter is one of the coldest planets in our solar system with temperatures reaching minus 145°C, 70 degrees colder than anywhere recorded on Earth, so without specially-adapted attire, Jupiter currently remains a step too far for humans.
Moving to Venus
From one extreme to another; the atmosphere on Venus is described as ‘hot and thick’, meaning that you would not survive even a visit to the surface of this red-orange planet. Even if you could survive the blistering heat and air thick enough to feel like you’re swimming, you would certainly be crushed by the enormous weight of the atmosphere before even setting foot on this rocky volcanic planet. The planet itself is also very windy, with wind blowing through the centre of the cloud above the surface at a mind-blowing 450 miles per hour, which would most definitely destroy anything in its path! Despite boasting temperatures hot enough to melt lead and winds stronger than a hurricane, scientists stress that there still could be life on Venus even if it’s inhabitable for us. As research continues, we’ll soon discover whether or not there is life on this planet.
While possibility of living on another planet like Mars may not be as distant as it once was, having written this blog, we think we’ll stick to living on Earth for now. What planet would you want to travel to if this became a possibility for everyone in the future?
We might not be able to arrange a rocket to take you to another planet just yet, but we certainly can help you move locally and internationally. For more information about our moving services, contact us today.