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Relocation with kids isn’t easy

Having to pack and move across the world is one thing, but uprooting an entire family is a whole other (crazy) animal. The idea of a whole new life in another part of the world may sound exciting, but it could also be the most stressful things a family could ever experience. Breaking the news to your kids sometimes requires imagination. Santa Fe friendly team will support and advise you throughout your moving journey.

Make it an exciting adventure 

The more excited the kids are about the move, the easier it will be to get them on board with the moving process. Making it all a big adventure will in turn lend to excitement rather than worry when it comes to the kids. Most important is to plan ahead with sufficient time.  Give your kids a month or two to let things sink in, then tell them about the wonderful adventure you’re about to embark on as a family.

To read more, please see here

Come to visit our booth at Honeykids Asia International School Fair. Not only can you meet most of the international schools in Singapore all at a time, we are also there to give you advice and tips on relocation, local storage and any other destination services support such as school search, home finding etc. At Santa Fe Relocation, we make moving home easy for you. We also offer free survey booking and free storage promotion as well as a surprising Santa Fe Kid Corner at the venue. Bring your kids and visit us on the day!!




Date : 19 March 2019 (Sat)

Time : 9:00am – 3:30pm

Venue : Pan-Pacific Singapore, Pacific Ballroom (ground floor) – 7 Raffles Blvd, Marina Square, Singapore 039595

Contact us : +65 6398 8588

Email :

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