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From South America to Europe: A different pace of life

Discover our new series, Santa Fe Around the World. Follow our customers as they share their intimate story and exciting account of relocation, packed with local insights. Every one of our moves is unique, just like our customers. Join us on their journeys, from home to new home and beyond!

Discover what Moises has to say about his relocation from Paraguay to Germany and his new life in Frankfurt.

What made you relocate and why did you choose to move to Germany?

Moises: It was more of a fate aspect. At the right time, the right opportunity came up in that destination, that’s how it has happened each of the times I have relocated. Initially, I moved due to my studies, and then at a certain point was also required to relocate again in order to graduate. And now there are career aspects involved.

In your mind, what are the pros and cons of expatriation?



It is a unique experience, no matter what, where or how you do it, there is always something new that you learn, see and try. It grants you the unique local knowledge that can’t always be taught remotely. And it provides a great chance to expand your network and meet interesting people.


It can be quite disruptive to the normal lifestyle, especially for families with small children. It can be a challenge to adapt and thrive in the new place depending on the situation. It can be quite costly.

Do you enjoy the different pace of life?

Moises: The typical South American pace is very well known, (especially when it comes to punctuality) while in Germany like most of Europe, life goes a bit faster and punctuality is very well valued and appreciated. This was quite a challenge in the beginning and took me quite a lot of work to adapt to, but eventually I got used to it and saw the benefits of this new pace.

Making new friends in a different country can be difficult, how did you find it?

Moises: Indeed, it can be difficult. I would say in some cultures a bit more, in others a bit less. In the beginning I found it less easy to make new friends, but after a while you get to know some really nice people. I would say that this whole process depends a lot on so many different factors. Some people really struggle to make friends, while others have a really easy time.

How did you adapt to the new community? 

Moises: I will admit that this took some time. This can be a bit challenging when you are more introvert, but I was lucky enough to move to a place where the people were all very nice, open and welcoming. A couple of times I have attended some small gatherings and events, but I haven’t done this on a very regular basis.

Santa Fe Relocation thanks Moises for sharing this experience with us. We wish all the best for his life in Germany!

To read more other stories:

Moving from Vietnam to Thailand: Solo adventure in the Land of Smiles

Moving from Canada to Thailand: new friends for Alexandria

From France to the USA: Moving a family of 7

Moving to India: Leaving corporate life for the coffee plantation

Moving to Italy: A new step for an expat family (part 1)

Moving to Italy: A new step for an expat family (part 2)

Moving to Philippines: a single parent expat story

Moving to Africa: A life changing experience

Moving to Africa: the experience with children

Moving to Africa: adapting to a different way of life

Moving to Africa: tastes of a new home

If you’re thinking of moving home and would like to find out how  Santa Fe Relocation can help, get in touch with a member of our friendly team on 020 8961 4141.

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