Corporate Moving — Unprecedented weather in the UAE

In light of the recent unprecedented weather in the UAE, where 24-hour rainfall exceeded the typical accumulation of 75 years—more than what the UK receives in five months—the country continues to face significant challenges. These include suspending most flights as airlines struggle to keep their information current, resulting in delays for passengers and cargo transport. Governmental mandates have also enforced the closure of all schools and a week-long work-from-home schedule.

Our operations and local infrastructure have been affected. Many major roads remain closed and many neighbourhoods are underwater, severely hindering access across various regions. Consequently, we have had to temporarily postpone services to our clients, until further notice.

We are committed to transparency and actively working to minimise disruptions. Our team is working to resume normal operations as swiftly and safely as possible. We will provide updates as we progress in restoring full services.

For ongoing support and the latest information, please reach out to your move consultant or contact us at We appreciate your understanding and patience during these challenging times.

Christine Sperr
Managing Director, UAE
Santa Fe Relocation

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