2022/23 GMS series — Reshaping Global Mobility part one

New research on cross-border remote working and the emergence of work from anywhere — Practical industry insights into the challenges and opportunities associated with cross-border remote working. However, is it really a ticket to work, live and thrive anywhere in the world?

This report explores key learnings and insights on how different sectors have addressed or modified approaches to cross-border remote working and work from anywhere.


In the summer of 2022, eleven global organisations shared their insights on how cross-border remote working had evolved in their businesses. Sectors represented were consulting, defence, FMCG, financial services, global health technology, IT and performance sport. Additionally, an online survey of more than 100 global organisations was conducted to add further dimension.

Note: Santa Fe Relocation conducted this research in collaboration with Crowe.

Keep an eye out for the next report, which will address the critical question, “Does leadership require presence?”

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