A guide to the most and least corrupt countries for assignees

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When it comes to setting up an assignment overseas, there are several factors to consider, including the location of which the assignment will take place. Corruption is a signficiant issue around the globe, and there are many countries who are making little or no progress in ending this corruption, particularly in the public sector. When sending an assignee abroad, corruption is an issue which needs to be taken into consideration when location is determined, for the safety of the assignee. Here at Santa Fe Relcation we’ve put together a list of some of the most and least corrupt countries in the world.

Least Corrupt Countries

The Corruption Perceptions Index 2017, published by Transparency International, suggests that the likes of New Zealand, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Switzerland and Singapore are some of the least corrupt countries in the world, with scores ranging between 89-84.

 Least corrupt 
2017 Rank 2017 Score 2016 Score 2015 Score 2014 Score 2013 Score 2012 Score Region
New Zealand 89 90 91 91 91 90 Asia Pacific
Denmark 88 90 91 92 91 90 Europe and Central Asia
Finland 85 89 90 89 89 90 Europe and Central Asia
Norway 85 85 88 86 86 85 Europe and Central Asia
Switzerland 85 86 86 86 86 85 Europe and Central Asia
Singapore 84 84 85 84 86 87 Asia Pacific
Sweden 84 88 89 87 89 88 Europe and Central Asia
Canada 82 82 83 81 81 84 Americas
Luxembourg 82 81 85 82 80 80 Europe and Central Asia
Netherlands 82 83 84 83 83 84 Europe and Central Asia
United Kingdom 82 81 81 78 76 74 Europe and Central Asia


While the UK remains as one of the most corrupt countries in the above list, its score has improved over the last five years from 74 to 82. This proves that the UK is making progress in ending corruption in the public sector. Interestingly, despite Sweden’s strong rule of law against most forms of corruption, the country has been criticised for its lack of foreign bribery law enforcement, which could be a main contributor to the countries steep decline from 89 in 2015 to 84 in 2017.

Most Corrupt Countries

It is unsurprising to see the countries on the brink or in the midst of war typecast as corrupt, and there has been signficiant levels of criticism towards the legal systems in all of the countries listed below over recent years.

Most corrupt
2017 Rank 2017 Score 2016 Score 2015 Score 2014 Score 2013 Score 2012 Score Region
Somalia 9 10 8 8 8 8 Sub Saharan Africa
South Sudan 12 11 15 15 14 N/A Sub Saharan Africa
Syria 14 13 18 20 17 26 Middle East and North Africa
Afghanistan 15 15 11 12 8 8 Asia Pacific
Yemen 16 14 18 19 18 23 Middle East and North Africa
Sudan 16 14 12 11 11 13 Middle East and North Africa
Libya 17 14 16 18 15 21 Middle East and North Africa
North Korea 17 12 8 8 8 8 Asia Pacific
Guinea-Bissau 17 16 17 19 19 25 Sub Saharan Africa
Equatorial Guinea 17 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Sub Saharan Africa


Somalia, South Sudan, Syria, Afghanistan and Yemen are among the five most corrupted countries.

Research from the Committee to Protect Journalists identified that since 2002 approximately 9 out of 10 journalists were killed in countries that score less than 45 on the index. Managing Director of Transparency International, an international non-governmental organization which strives to take action to fight against global corruption, Patricia Moreira, stated that: “No activist or reporter should have to fear for their lives when speaking out against corruption.” 

“Given current crackdowns on both civil society and the media worldwide, we need to do more to protect those who speak up.”

Before setting up an assignment abroad, it is important that businesses are aware  of the host country’s corruption levels in order to ensure assignees are safe and are not at risk of unnecessary danger. For more information, get in touch with a member of our expert team on 0208 961 4141, today.

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