2022/23 GMS series — Reshaping Global Mobility part two

In a new time following the height of the Covid-19 Pandemic, the way we work remotely has changed. Is relocation worth it, or do modern technologies and new ways of working change the demand for international assignments?

The findings are very clear: whilst there will be individual exceptions, the international assignment is not dead. There are simply too many great reasons why feet on the ground are needed.

The report is based on interviews between December 2021 and September 2022, with GM and senior talent leaders who shared their insights on the performance of their employees’ undertaking international assignments during the pandemic.


The researchers identified five international assignments models, descriptions of the main variants of moves and during the interviews, they used three key questions:

  • Can working virtually be effective?
  • Can technology replace physical presence?
  • Is the age of the corporate-led international assignment dead?

Note: This research was commissioned by Santa Fe Relocation with Dr Phil Renshaw and
Dr Jenny Robinson.

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