2023/24 GMS series — Reshaping Global Mobility part four

Taking care of global talent

This report explores the wellbeing interventions organisations have in place to support their international talent cadre. Through a series of interviews with Global Mobility and HR leaders and quantitative research, we reflect on the progress made in focusing on this critical aspect of duty of care and enabling people and organisations to optimise their performance.

Wellbeing has increasingly been recognised and proactively positioned as a critical people pillar to deliver duty of care for the global workforce—and to create a high-performing organisation. In a pressurised world where organisations face volatile markets and geopolitical and economic shocks, there is a continual trade-off between realigning costs and investing in people and resources. Ultimately, while there are altruistic drivers behind the adoption of wellbeing programmes in Global Mobility (GM) programmes, organisations employ and deploy international talent to create value through optimised performance. Is the wellbeing of globally mobile talent more fragile?

Global Mobility wellbeing action guide

As an additional resource to support your GM produced an easy-to-read set of actions and considerations to review and plan for embedding wellbeing within your GM programme. If you have already started or completed this process, you may find the checklist helpful in cross-referencing your progress.

Download action guide

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