Immigration update: Malaysia | An update of COVID-19

Control Order Movements – Partial Lockdown

The government of Malaysia has implemented the “Control Order Movements” from March 18, 2020 to March 31 ,2020 throughout the country as MDEC, Surian Tower and MIDA will be fully closed. Immigration Putrajaya will remain open, but for half day only.

This control order is made under the Prevention Act and Infectious Disease Control 1988 and Police Act 1967.

Who will be affected?

  • All foreign tourists and visitors to Malaysia will be banned.
  • The sanctions also cover all Malaysians traveling abroad.
  • For those who have just returned from overseas, they are required to undergo health checks and voluntary quarantine (or self-quarantine) for 14 days)
  • Foreign nationals / Dependents who have stage 2 endorsement pass to be submitted, cancellation of employment passes / dependent passes, and transfer of endorsements from an old passport to a new passport cannot be done for this two-week period. However, MDEC is issuing special passes and all types of applications to be submitted via ESD Putrajaya is as per normal.



The announcement was made by the Government on the March 16, 2020 via the Prime Minister in a special address due to the worsening of the COVID-19 situation in Malaysia.


The partial lockdown will impact all travellers to Malaysia and all Malaysian nationals planning to travel out of the country


March 18, 2020 to March 31, 2020

Next Steps (or) Actions Required

There are a few scenarios where the foreign nationals are allowed access to the country:

  1. For those foreign nationals who have a spouse in Malaysia (marriage certified by the government of Malaysia) can come back to Malaysia, but they would need to self-quarantine for 2 weeks. The foreign national must also have a medical check-up.
  2. For those foreign nationals who are working in the “essential” services sectors, like the water, communications, electricity, banking, police, oil and gas, airports etc are allowed access to Malaysia but they would need a verification letter from their respective employers to be shown at the immigration entry point. The self-quarantine (work from home) applies as well.


Santa Fe Analysis

Avoid travelling, social gatherings and follow given guidelines.

Santa Fe can support your business with any immigration compliance and advisory issues concerning your expatriate population. We can review current employees’ visas and assist with necessary advice or solutions to ensure ongoing compliance.

We will also keep your business updated on ongoing developments on all Malaysian immigration matters and will advise on any changes requiring your attention.

Should you have any questions, please contact the following:

KS Balasingam
Immigration Team Lead
Santa Fe Relocation
D: +60 19 601 6900

Robert Day
Group Head of Immigration Operations
Santa Fe Relocation
London, UK
D: +44 7990 021125


To read more immigration updates, click here

About our Immigration Services

Our immigration services manage thousands of visa applications every year for a multitude of international companies. Our experienced immigration experts and migration agents handle the immigration process for you and provide simple reporting and guidance on immigration matters.


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